
Showing posts from September, 2020

Lord of the Rings Literary Analysis: Part Four

 Pippin     Peregrin Took was a hobbit who lived in the Shire during the Third Age. He was good friends with his cousin, Merry. The two of them found out that two of their friends, Frodo Baggins and Sam Gamgee had the One Ring and were taking it to Rivendell, Merry and Pippin offered to help them on their quest. Their first step was to meet a Wizard, Gandalf the Grey, at a town called Bree. As they were traveling, the hobbits were being hunted by Black Riders, as well as being attacked by a living tree in the Old Forest and a Wight in the Barrow-downs. Despite these hinderances, they arrived at Bree, only to discover that Gandalf was not there. However, they did meet Aragorn, who was sent in his stead. The five of them continued to Rivendell, but the Nazgul attacked them at Wheathertop. Frodo was stabbed in the ambush, and their quest became more urgent. Luckily, the Frodo was taken to Rivendell in time for him to be healed. Sam, Merry and Pippin were originally denied fr...

How To Read a Textbook

     1. Read to understand -When you you are reading through a textbook, make sure you understand what the author is trying to communicate to you. When you have finished reading a paragraph, stop for a moment to think about what you just read before you move on.     2. Take notes -As you are reading, make sure to write down important facts or key ideas. This can help you go over the information quicker when you find a need to study.      3. Take breaks -As you study for long periods of time, you may find that you mind tends to wander. To prevent this, take a 5-minute break every half-hour or so to keep your mind fresh.       4. Look up information -If you find a concept that isn't explained well or you don't understand it, look up the topic online. You should find more in-depth explanations or other helpful information.     5. Quiz yourself -Once you have finished your reading, have a friend ask you questions about th...

Working As a Team

  Working In A Group In order for a group project to succeed, every participant must be active in their involvement, being responsible for his or her work. Also essential are good group relations, so that they may effectively support and respect each other or give constructive feedback. In addition, they will need adequate communication skills, so as to better clarify the roles and responsibilities that each member must carry out, as well as to manage and organize the effort to avoid confusion. -Ben There are lots of benefits for working in a group. Working by yourself may be easier because you can do it in your own time and however you want. Working in a group though, you can get everybody’s opinions. You also can learn negotiating skills. You have to talk to one another and negotiate with each other. You also can learn to...

Note taking

          1. Use grid paper. It will make organizing your notes easier and help with line spacing.          2. Add a margin beforehand. It may be helpful for writing overlaying topics or other information to remember.          3. Using abbreviations will help you to save time.          4. After the lecture, review your notes and write a short summary at the bottom of the page.

Mind Mapping

     Mind mapping is a method of note taking that can fit a lot of information in a small space. It is also colorful so that it is more exciting to read and revise. It is helpful for when you need to organize your notes so that they are easier to study. I like that this method is flexible. You can create the map however you may choose, as long as it is helpful for you. I do not think that I will use mind mapping to study, as I am not good at organizing things so loosely.

Cornell Notes

     Taking Cornell notes helps you to prioritize and organize your notes to make it easier to study with. The way it works is, there are three small portions at the top, bottom, and left of the page, and the main portion on the right. At the top, you make a title for your notes, and it should include things like your name and the subject. On the right is where the bulk of your notes should be. On the left you should write down the more important part of your notes, like main themes, dates, or equations. Finally, at the bottom of your notes, write a short summary of what you learned. I think that if I made an effort to incorporate this method into my studying, I could be using it a lot. 1. My favorite part of high school is that it makes me feel a bit more grown-up. It makes me seem closer to other parts of my future, like learning to drive or going to college. 2. The part of high school that has frustrated me the most is running club. It is just after PE, so I am already...

Google Forms

<iframe src="" width="640" height="578" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading…</iframe>   Applied Study Skills- English- Bible-     Geometry-

Lord of the Rings Literary Analysis: Part Three

 Merry     Meriadoc Brandybuck was a hobbit who lived in the Shire during the Third Age. He was the best of friends with his cousin, Pippin. When they found out that two of their other friends, Sam and Frodo, had the One Ring, they both volunteered to help take it to Rivendell. After they passed through the Old Forest at the Shire's east, the four of them met Tom Bombadil. Tom had no trouble figuring out that they had the Ring, but its power seemed to have no effect on him After a few days, the party set out once more, but they were ambushed by a Wight. Luckily, Tom Bombadil rescued them, and Merry, Pippin, and Sam each took swords from the Wight's lair. They were meant to meet with Gandalf the Grey at Bree, but had no such luck. However, Barliman Butterbur, who owned the inn called The Prancing Pony , had a message from the Wizard. It told the hobbits to seek help from Aragorn, son of Arathorn, who was known in the wild as Strider. When they met him, he began to go with ...

Internet Conduct

     This article tells us how we should comment online.  It says that we should not write in irritation, but rather wait and pray for a time when you may "be gentle and show perfect courtesy toward all people," (Titus 3:2). It says we should speak only to thank, encourage, clarify, and (gently) correct. There is more information in this slideshow. <iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="960" height="569" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

SMART goals

  Goal #1:     Maintain good grades throughout the year. Specific - Maintain a 90% average on my schoolwork for the rest of my time in 9th grade. Measurable - My grades can be seen on Renweb and on my report cards. Actionable - I can do this by studying and paying attention in class. Relevant -This goal is relevant in that it may help me get into college and find a job. Time-bound - I must keep this up until the end of the 2nd semester in June. Goal #2:     Learn to drive. Specific - Learn how to drive a car and get a driving license. Measurable - The goal will be completed when I receive a valid driver's license. Actionable - I can do this by reading on the subject and practicing with my parents. Relevant - To be able to drive will be extremely helpful when I am an adult. Time-bound - There is no specific deadline but I would like to be driving when I become an adult when I turn 18. Goal #3:     Turn in all my homework on time Specific - Finish all of...

Time Management Part 2

     For this assignment the app that I chose was Quizlet. You can use it to create your own flash cards or use existing ones made by other students. You can choose from over 220,000 study sets, and its features are available in eighteen languages. The app is downloadable on both iOS and Android and there is a website at . I recommend this app for anyone who needs help managing their time in preparation for a test or exam. 

Lord of the Rings Literary Analysis: Part Two

     Sam     Samwise Gamgee was a hobbit who lived in the Shire during the Third Age, and worked as a gardener for Frodo Baggins. One night, Sam was eavesdropping on a conversation between Frodo and a Wizard, Gandalf. He overheard them talking about how Frodo had Sauron's ring that he will use to take over Middle Earth should he get his hands on it. When Gandalf noticed that Sam was listening, he forced him to go with Frodo to Bree, where Gandalf would await them. So Sam, Frodo, and two of their friends, Merry and Pippin set out to complete there quest. As they traveled, they noticed that they were being hunted by creatures covered in black robes and riding horses, which the hobbits named Black Riders. When they reached Bree, they discovered that Gandalf was not there, but rather sent a friend to help them, who was known as Strider. After the Black Riders trashed a hotel room in search of Frodo, the company left Bree and made for Rivendell. They came to Wheather...

TED talk

     While watching this TED talk, I learned that when most people say, "I don't have time," they usually mean,"It's not a priority." The video helped me realize that prioritizing is a big part of time management. However, there may be huge consequences if you prioritize the wrong thing. People like my parents will likely be willing to help me if I ever needed it.

Google Calendar

     Even after following the instructions and setting up my Google calendar, I must say that I do not see myself using it regularly. As I stated in my previous post, I am having no trouble keeping up with my homework. However, I believe that I might be more eager to use it if I were more familiar with it.

Time Management

     To be honest, I do not put a lot of effort into time management. In order to finish my homework on time, I complete it as soon as I come home. With this system, I have no need to use a planner or a calendar, and I seldom need help from my parents. I am told that things will be different when I go to college, but as far as I can tell, it won't be too different from the months when we had to attend school from home last year, in which we were assigned homework at the beginning of week and had to turn it in in the next week. Despite these things, I know I should probably be more careful about my time. Ephesians 5:15-17 says, " Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is."

Lord of the Rings Literary Analysis: Part One

     While I was reading J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings trilogy, one of the themes that I noticed was about strength coming from small places, which was demonstrated through the Hobbits: Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin. It was very clear to me that the books would have had a drastically different ending without them. Over the course of a few more posts, I will demonstrate how each of the four Hobbits played a part in the defeat of Sauron. Frodo     Frodo Baggins, son of Drogo Baggins, was a Hobbit who lived in the Shire during the Third Age. When his family drowned in a boating accident, he was adopted by his uncle, Bilbo. When Frodo was fifty, Gandalf the Grey, one of the five Wizards, told him that a mysterious ring which he inherited from Bilbo was forged by Sauron during the Second Age, and would would give him power over the other nineteen rings forged during that period. Meanwhile, the Nazgul, nine servants of Sauron, were hunting Frodo to take the R...

Digital Citizenship

       In short, digital citizenship is the responsible use of technology by anyone who uses computers or the Internet regularly, often creating blogs and being a part of social networks or online journalism. According to a British sociologist named Thomas Humphrey Marshall, a digital citizen needs to exist in order to promote equal economic opportunities and increase political participation.     In order for someone to fully participate and realize their presence on the Internet, they must possess a quality level of reading comprehension.  "The average government web site, for example, requires an eleventh-grade level of reading comprehension, even though about half of the U.S. population reads at an eighth-grade level or lower". So despite all of the information on the Internet, education plays a large part in digital citizenship.