SMART goals

 Goal #1:

    Maintain good grades throughout the year.

Specific- Maintain a 90% average on my schoolwork for the rest of my time in 9th grade.

Measurable- My grades can be seen on Renweb and on my report cards.

Actionable- I can do this by studying and paying attention in class.

Relevant-This goal is relevant in that it may help me get into college and find a job.

Time-bound- I must keep this up until the end of the 2nd semester in June.

Goal #2:

    Learn to drive.

Specific- Learn how to drive a car and get a driving license.

Measurable- The goal will be completed when I receive a valid driver's license.

Actionable- I can do this by reading on the subject and practicing with my parents.

Relevant- To be able to drive will be extremely helpful when I am an adult.

Time-bound- There is no specific deadline but I would like to be driving when I become an adult when I turn 18.

Goal #3:

    Turn in all my homework on time

Specific- Finish all of my assignments completely and turn them in on time.

Measurable- All of my schoolwork has a deadline.

Actionable- I can do this by exercising time management.

Relevant- Doing this will have an impact on my grade.

Time-bound- All of my assignments have a deadline.

    The article states that the Internet can be a distraction from more important things, like studying God's Word. It then teaches us that we can overcome this diversion by fasting from our devices. It also says that we can be giving glory to God on social media platforms.

    I would describe my time on my phone with the A-B-C options in the article. I am B; meaning that I do not actively restrict my screen time, but it is having no negative impact on my life. I believe that the given solutions are good, but I do not think that I will use them in the near future.


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