How To Read a Textbook

     1. Read to understand-When you you are reading through a textbook, make sure you understand what the author is trying to communicate to you. When you have finished reading a paragraph, stop for a moment to think about what you just read before you move on.

    2. Take notes-As you are reading, make sure to write down important facts or key ideas. This can help you go over the information quicker when you find a need to study. 

    3. Take breaks-As you study for long periods of time, you may find that you mind tends to wander. To prevent this, take a 5-minute break every half-hour or so to keep your mind fresh.

      4. Look up information-If you find a concept that isn't explained well or you don't understand it, look up the topic online. You should find more in-depth explanations or other helpful information.

    5. Quiz yourself-Once you have finished your reading, have a friend ask you questions about the topic. This will show how much you have learned and what things you can work on.


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