How To Prepare For Exams: Part Two

 1. Plan before you study- You shouldn't just jump in to your studies like it's a race. Take the time to sit down and create a study plan that divides up the time before your exams among your subjects. 

2. Prepare for the last day- The last day before your exams should be your final revisions. Remember to mark down the most important things in your textbooks, and to be smart and efficient with your time.

3. Positive auto-suggestions- Whether you realize it or not, we tell ourselves negative things throughout the day. This can lead to you being very nervous and failing. The positive auto-suggestion technique is meant to counter this. It helps you to say more positive things to yourself so that you can stay calm. If you prepare your mind to succeed, you probably will.

4. Imagine when it's over- You should do this as you are studying for your exams. Just close your eyes and imagine the moment when your exams are over. This simple trick can keep you motivated and cheerful.

5. Don't believe the rumors- You will probably hear rumors about what is or isn't going to come up in the exam. Don't believe them. You should only trust what your teacher tells you. That way you can avoid studying content you don't need to worry about and you can be sure that you studied for everything.


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