Final Exam

      I was able to learn a lot of important skills in this class. Some of these things include good studying and test-taking habits, how to make videos on websites like and, and I learned about apps such as Google Drawings and Google Keep. Before taking this class, I had never even heard of Google Forms or Google Drawings. We received and completed our work through It is simple and easy to use. Some of the other things that we did include working together on group projects. On one occasion, we all had to make a Google Slides presentation about preparing for tests. We are also given the opportunity to visit our classmates blogs. We also made quizzes on Kahoot and Quizlet. We made posters and flyers on apps like and We learned how to study with mind mapping and Cornell notes. We also learned how to avoid plagiarism and other forms of cheating. We also learned ways to improve our focus. We learned how to manage our time well and about digital citizenship. We were also told to make SMART goals for ourselves several times throughout the semester. We visited learning sites such as, and We learned how to make videos on and on We also made calendars on Google Docs and workbooks on Google Sheets. We also worked with websites like Google Arts and Culture, Google Earth, Google Sites, and Google Jamboard. I can see that a lot of things that we learned in this class will be very useful to you when you are an adult. We are also allowed to write about whatever we want on Fridays. This is definitely my favorite part about this class.
    I made a Google Slides presentation about the class here.


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