Galaxy's Most Powerful Sith Lords: Part Three

 Darth Nihilus, Lord of Hunger

    The human who would eventually become Darth Nihilus lost everything to the Jedi during the Mandalorian Wars: his friends, familiy, and his will to live. He then joined the Sith, wanting only to die in battle. Nihilus was fighting in the last battle of the Mandalorian Wars on Malachor V when it was struck by a Republic superweapon. This weapon was a Mass Shadow Generator, and it killed almost everyone on the planet. Nihilus survived the attack, but it caused him great pain. His pain manifested as an intense emotional hunger within him. He tried to sate his hunger by draining the life force of another survivor. This helped to sate his hunger, but only for a short time. He went about the planet and consumed the life force of every last survivor. The more he fed, the stronger his hunger became. He was eventually discovered by Darth Traya. Traya offered to help Nihilus be able to devour entire worlds to appease his hunger. Nihlus agreed and followed her to the Trayus Academy. There they met Darth Sion, and the three of them formed the Sith Triumvirate. Traya was their leader, and Nihilus and Sion were her apprentices. As she promised, Traya taught Nihilus in the ways of the Force, as well how to harness his hunger to become stronger. Nihilus was soon able to devour entire planets. As he did this, both his power and his hunger grew. However, over time, Nihilus and Sion became dissatisfied with Traya's teaching, and their ambition outgrew hers. The two of them betrayed their master and stripped her of her connection to the Force, casting her into exile. Nihilus and Sion soon sought to destroy the Jedi Order. They did so separately. While Sion killed as many Jedi as he could find, Nihilus searched for as much Force users as possible to feed on. Darth Nihilus cared only for himself, so he wasn't afraid to kill other Sith Lords. On one occasion, a large group of Jedi met on the planet Katarr in order to draw out Nihilus and destroy him. This plan ultimately failed, and Nihilus killed much of what remained of the Jedi Order. On the planet, he found a survivor named Visas Marr. He let her live and took her as his apprentice. As Nihilus kept pursuing the dark side, his body began to erode, and he was dying. Knowing this, Nihilus destroyed his body and linked his spirit to his armor and mask. Some time after the Jedi Order fell and the Sith became united, a Jedi Exile named Meetra Surik revealed herself and allied with Kreia. Together, they sought to defeat the Sith Lords that ruled the galaxy. When Nihilus learned of this, he sent Marr to capture Surik and bring her to him. However, Surik defeated Marr, and she then swayed to serve Surik against Nihilus. Nihilus's defeat came when he traveled to Telos IV in search of a Jedi Academy. The academy didn't exist and Nihilus was drawn into a trap. Over Telos IV, Nihilus and his fleet her ambushed by a combined fleet of Republic and Mandalorian forces. Nihilus's command ship, the Ravager, was boarded by Surik, Marr, and Mandalore the Preserver (the Mandalorian king). Together, the three of them were able to fight their way to the bridge, kill Nihilus, and destroy the Ravager. Nihilus's armor was taken to be buried on the Sith world of Korriban. 


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