Galaxy's Most Powerful Sith Lords: Part Two

 Darth Sion, Lord of Pain

    Darth Sion was a Sith Lord in the time of the Old Sith Wars. He fought as a marauder under the command of Exar Kun. Eventually, Sion was killed in battle, but he did not die. He was able to use the dark side of the Force to keep himself alive, but doing so caused him unimaginable pain. He used this pain to become angry and, being a Sith Lord, used his anger to draw power from the dark side. This process practically made Sion immortal. In his wars with the Jedi, Sion survived many injuries that would have been fatal for anyone else. Exar Kun's empire eventually fell, but Sion survived and went into hiding. He reemerged at the end of the Mandalorian Wars, when a new Sith Empire was created by Darth Revan and his apprentice, Darth Malak. Sion joined the Sith Empire, but it too fell into ruin. Revan turned to the light side of the Force and killed Darth Malak. Darth Sion fled to the planet Korriban and watched as the remaining Sith ripped each other apart. Sion was eventually found by Darth Traya, who took him as her apprentice. Traya, Sion, and another one of Traya's apprentices, Darth Nihlus, formed the Sith Triumvirate on Malachor V, with the intent of annihilating the Jedi and bringing the Sith back to power. In time, Sion and Nihlus grew discontent with Traya's teaching and overthrew her. Sion was able to lower Traya's defenses as Nihlus stripped her of her connection to the Force. Sion and Nihlus continued their work, using an order of Sith assassins to kill the Jedi quietly. In 3954 BBY, Sion and Nihlus united the last of the Sith remnants, becoming the most unified force of Sith in their time. The Jedi Order publicly disbanded, and many of its survivors went into hiding. Soon, a Jedi Exile named Meetra Surik came out of hiding. She was rumored to be the last of the Jedi, she she certainly caught Sion's attention. Surik traveled on  the Republic vessel Harbinger, and Sion pursued her with a Sith warship. But he was not the only one. Darth Traya, who was now calling herself Kreia, sought to rescue Surik with a ship called the Ebon Hawk. The Harbinger moved to engage Sion's ship, but it appeared inactive. The Harbinger's crew boarded Sion's ship and found Sion's body. Believing him to be dead, they took him on the Harbinger for analysis. Meanwhile, Sith assassins on Sion's ship secretly boarded the Harbinger. Soon, Sion and his assassins took over the Harbinger and slaughtered its crew. However, they were too late to catch Surik, as she had fled with Kreia on the Ebon Hawk. Sion chased them to where the Hawk was docked at the Peragus II Mining Facility. There, Sion engaged Kreia, Surik, and Atton Rand, a prisoner at the facility. Kreia tried to fight Sion, but he cut off her hand. Kreia, Surik, and Rand fled on the Ebon Hawk, but Sion pursued in the Harbinger. Sion shot recklessly, and he accidentally hit the asteroids surrounding the facility. These asteroids were volatile and exploded, destroying the Harbinger. Sion survived and made his way to the planet Korriban. Surik arrived on Korriban in search of a captured Jedi Master. Sion confronted her, and the two began to fight. Surik soon saw that she could not kill Sion, so she fled. Sion felt a measure of respect for Surik and let her go. Sion soon traveled to the Trayus Academy on Malachor V, where he met Kreia. She had betrayed Surik and reclaimed her title of Darth Traya. Surik eventually came to the academy in search of Kreia, but she was confronted by Sion. Sion believed that killing Surik would force Traya to take Sion as her apprentice. Surik was able to strike down Sion repeatedly, but he called upon the Force to keep himself alive. Surik was unable to kill Sion, so she convinced him that Traya only respected those who could let go of the Force, instead of those who relied on it. Her words made Sion realize that his pain was a weakness instead of strength. With this knowledge Sion let go of his anger and allowed himself to die. 


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