End of First Semester

New SMART goal-

    Maintain good grades throughout the next quarter.

Specific: Maintain a 90% average or higher on my assignments and tests in the third quarter.

Measurable: My grades can be viewed on both Renweb and on my report cards.

Actionable: I can do this by studying, by paying attention in class, and by managing my time wisely.

Relevant: Doing this can help me get into college and find a good job.

Time-bound: I must keep this up until the end of the third quarter. 

    I am proud of how the second quarter went. I am satisfied with my grades in all of my classes. I feel that I have done a good job of keeping up with my assignments in Applied Study Skills and Technology. I feel that I did a good job in English, especially in writing my informative essay. I am still a student aid for Mr. Hackbarth in third period, and I am becoming much more comfortable with the setting there. I also feel that I am doing well with the content and verse quizzes in Bible. I now have a much better understanding of Microsoft applications thanks to Computer Applications with Mr. Cercone. I am enjoying Geometry with Mr. Goodwin, and my grades there are looking good as well. I am surprised at the fun I am having in PE during the last period of the day. Despite these things, I feel that there is still one small thing that I could work on. In Geometry, we are allowed to take notes with little 3x5 notecards, and we can use these on the midterm and final exams. I, however, have been writing my notes in a notebook. This means that I will have to copy all of my notes onto notecards before the midterm. It will be wise to write my notes on notecards in the first place, so that I may be spared from doing this again. 


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