Galaxy's Most Powerful Sith Lords: Part One

 Darth Traya, Lord of Betrayal

    Darth Traya during the age of the Old Republic, about 4000 years before the Battle of Yavin. Like many Sith Lords, Traya was once a Jedi, named Kreia. As a Jedi Master, Kreia trained many students. Many of these students, including the Jedi Knight Revan, went to war against the people of Mandalore. Because of this, Kreia was exiled from the Jedi Order. Kreia soon found the Trayus Academy on the Sith world, Malachor V. There, she turned to the dark side of the force, proclaiming herself Darth Traya. As a Sith Lord, Traya took on two apprentices: Darth Nihlus and Darth Sion. These three Sith became known as the Sith Triumvirate, and Traya was their leader. However, Traya was eventually overthrown by her apprentices, and they stripped her of her connection to the force. Despite this, Kreia soon found another Jedi exile, named Meetra Surik, and took her as an apprentice. Kreia hated that the Force controlled all events in the galaxy, so she and her apprentice sought to free the galaxy from its influence. Traya and Surik began by defeating Darth Nihlus at the Battle of Telos IV. Traya and Surik then returned to the Trayus Academy on Malachor V. There, Traya forced Surik to kill her. Surik did so and destroyed the Trayus Academy.


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