Galaxy's Most Powerful Sith Lords: Part Two
Darth Sion, Lord of Pain Darth Sion was a Sith Lord in the time of the Old Sith Wars. He fought as a marauder under the command of Exar Kun. Eventually, Sion was killed in battle, but he did not die. He was able to use the dark side of the Force to keep himself alive, but doing so caused him unimaginable pain. He used this pain to become angry and, being a Sith Lord, used his anger to draw power from the dark side. This process practically made Sion immortal. In his wars with the Jedi, Sion survived many injuries that would have been fatal for anyone else. Exar Kun's empire eventually fell, but Sion survived and went into hiding. He reemerged at the end of the Mandalorian Wars, when a new Sith Empire was created by Darth Revan and his apprentice, Darth Malak. Sion joined the Sith Empire, but it too fell into ruin. Revan turned to the light side of the Force and killed Darth Malak. Darth Sion fled to the planet Korriban and watched as the remaining Sith ripped each o...
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