Battles of the Third Age: Part Five

 Battle of the Black Gate

    Following their victory at the battle of Pelennor Fields, the leaders of Men, who are Éomer, king of Rohan, Aragorn, king of Gondor, and Gandalf the White, a Wizard, met to discuss their next move in the war against Sauron. Though they had defeated a large army and killed Sauron's general, the Witch-King of Angmar, the majority of Sauron's armies were still alive. They decided that they could not win against Sauron's armies, so they only had one hope for victory. Frodo and Sam, two hobbits, had Sauron's One Ring and were taking it into Mordor to be destroyed. If the Ring was destroyed, Sauron would die and the war would be won. According to Faramir, who had met them in Ithilien, the two hobbits were going to pass through the a tunnel called Cirith Ungol to pass through the mountains, and the had the creature Gollum with them. The problem with this was that they would have to get past all of Sauron's armies to reach Mount Doom. Because of this, the leaders of men decided to create a diversion. Sauron did not know where his Ring was, but he knew that it was in the possession of his enemies. He also knew that Aragorn was king of Gondor and perhaps powerful enough to even use the Ring's power. Aragorn was to reveal himself to Sauron using the palantír that they had taken from Saruman. Then, all of the remaining armies of Gondor, Rohan, and the Dûnedain would march on the Black Gate in the north in order to draw Sauron's armies there. It was a suicide mission. Nonetheless, the armies of Men traveled to the Black Gate. They were met by one of Sauron's lieutenants, who was simply called the Mouth of Sauron. The Mouth of Sauron immediately began to mock Aragorn and his army, comparing it to a rubbish heap and saying that Aragorn is not yet a real king. But more importantly, he showed Gandalf some items brought to him from a guard tower at Cirith Ungol. Those items were Sam's sword, Frodo's cloak and his coat of mithril-mail. He showed these items to the crowd and declared that the hobbit's quest had failed. With his job done, the Mouth of Sauron gave the order for Sauron's armies to attack. This army was made up of myriads of Orcs, Trolls, Easterlings, Haradrim, and the remaining eight Nazgûl. This army was hidden in the hills surrounding the Black Gate, so the army of Men found itself surrounded in a matter of moments. A frantic battle ensued, and it was clear that the Men were doomed. At one point in the battle, the Great Eagles, led by Gwaihir, came to aid in the fight against Sauron. Even with their help, it was a losing battle. Suddenly, the Nazgûl turned tail and flew into Mordor on their Fellbeasts. A few moments later, the army of Men was saved. Hundreds of miles away, Sauron's Ring was destroyed at Mount Doom. Because of this, Sauron and the Nazgûl died. With Sauron dead, all of the spells that he used to make his armies stronger were cut. This meant that both Barad-Dür and the Black Gate were destroyed. In addition, a madness fell on all of the Orcs and Trolls, so that they soon fell. Seeing this, most of the Easterlings and Haradrim retreated.


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