
 1. Train your brain with games that improve your focus. Games like this include sudoku, chess, memory games, and jigsaw puzzles.

2. A good night’s sleep can help you with not only focus, but also with attention and memory. To sleep better, try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day, even on weekends. You can also wind down before bed with a hot bath, a book, or soft music.

3. Making time for exercise can help stop or even reverse memory loss as well. Though aerobic exercise is recommended, you should just start where you’re at right now.

4. Spending about 15-20 minutes in nature can also improve your cognitive skills. Studies have also shown that keeping plants in your workspace can help increase concentration and productivity, as well as workplace satisfaction and air quality.

5. If you’re working on a big project for a long period of time, you will find that your mind starts to wander and it becomes difficult to keep working. When this happens, take a short mental break. When you get back to working, you will feel more focused, motivated, and even creative.


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